Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio Portfolio

About us

We have over 16 years of experience in creating business IT solutions. Our goal is to provide our customers with state-of-the-art software that is tailored to specific industries and specific companies. Often these are unique applications that perform advanced optimizations of procedures and processes.

We implement our projects in phases. We begin by creating a project specification that is based on our analysis of the current needs. The next step is to present a graphical proposal of the project that can easily be changed according to any received feedback. Then we actually program the software, based on the functional specification and the graphics design. The final stage of this page is to provide a test version of the project, in order to iron out all of the issues and bugs. After the implementation of the solution a warranty period and technical assistance are provided.

16 years of experience
23 programmers and analysts
748 fulfilled jobs
in the IT department

Analytical / reporting / database Applications

Over the years we have specialized in analytical applications. Among our flagship projects are projects such as the eCRF – one of the most powerful tools in this part of Europe, used to support research programs. Badanie-Opinii.pl – one of the biggest in Poland research platforms, used to quickly and surely do surveys, market research and to gather opinions from a diverse user base. CATI System – software that assists performing phone, Internet and fieldwork based surveys and research. ProBase 360 – a system used to monitor markets, collect and process information about available products, their composition, nutrition profiles, and much more.

Each of these projects is constantly being developed and adapted to the needs of our users and partners, for whom we implement our solutions.

Our projects


Platforma, która została stworzona przez profesjonalistów z myślą o kompleksowej obsłudze programów badawczych. Nasze oprogramowanie CRF jest przystosowane do pełnej obsługi badań klinicznych, PMS, badań obserwacyjnych oraz rejestrów online. System eCRF.biz™ stanowi aktualnie najbardziej innowacyjne rozwiązanie na polskim rynku, spełniającym standardy FDA.



SurvGoTM to nowoczesna platforma online dająca nieograniczone możliwości tworzenia i zarządzania badaniami opinii Klientów.


Badanie opinii

Panel badawczy pozwala na realizację badań ankietowych z dowolnego miejsca za pośrednictwem aplikacji mobilnej lub dostępu poprzez www. Panel pozwala na tworzenie ankiet dla wybranej grupy użytkowników oraz wysłanie zaproszenia do badania za pomocą wiadomości email do określonej bazy. Po zrealizowaniu badania dostępne są statystyki oraz raporty.

zobacz więcej badanie-opinii.pl
Panel Badanie Opinii

Internet portals

We don’t use ready-made solutions or templates. All of our projects are based on our own CMS. This allows you to fully customize and adapt your system to the needs of your individual users, and to offer everything that you want, without any issues. We often propose solutions that we know work, and help optimize the operation of the portal at specific stages of its creation.

Our projects

Mobile Applications

We create mobile applications for both Android and iOS. We design our app with a web-based management panel, and create native applications under existing portals that we integrate with using our API. We also help implement applications to the marketplace, by placing them on Google Play and the AppStore.

Our projects

Medical applications

We specialize in complex solutions for the pharmaceutical sector and the scientific community. One of our flagship solutions is the eCRF, which is the leading solution on the Polish market in terms of innovation, meeting all of the FDA standards.

Other projects

We also implement extensive CRM systems, Loyalty Programs, systems that integrate with external software and extensive web applications.


(+48) 731 030 629
(+48) 534 487 080
(+48) 22 12 28 025

Rstat Rafał Piszczek
[email protected]

Trade office - Warsaw 
Aleje Jerozolimskie 96
Warszawa 00-807

Sales Office - Rybnik 
ul. Kowalczyka 17
Rybnik 44-206